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Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Tugas BIB 2 (Softskill) The Changes History of Catfish

The Changes History of Catfish’s Statue into The Clock which is Near Form The Train Station in Bekasi

Catfish statue was built in 1955, survived for 7 years and abdicated in 2002. Sculpture built by the power of the Regent Moch. Djamhari when it felt to be in accordance with the wishes of the people in forming an icon. Regents felt catfish and lute pieces suitable for two crops that thrived in the city jakarta, therefore deserve to be an icon. While catfish and fruit msyarakat feel less worthy lute became icons, Catfish is a fish that greedy and eating everything, and it's cheap, are harps fruit though almost every garden in Bekasi there but the price is cheap too. Several times threw a protest to the Regent until venturing into the current Mayor of Bekasi. However, due to the long bureaucratic process that came to set people Bekasi catfish statue and burned. In its place was built a large clock carved in Bekasi city Catfish statue was built in 1955, survived for 7 years and abdicated in 2002. Sculpture built by the power of the Regent Moch. Djamhari when it felt to be in accordance with the wishes of the people in forming an icon. Regents felt catfish and lute pieces suitable for two crops that thrived in the city jakarta, therefore deserve to be an icon. While catfish and fruit msyarakat feel less worthy lute became icons, Catfish is a fish that greedy and eating everything, and it's cheap, are harps fruit though almost every garden in Bekasi there but the price is cheap too.
Several times threw a protest to the Regent until venturing into the current Mayor of Bekasi. However, due to the long bureaucratic process that came to set people Bekasi catfish statue and burned. In its place was built a large clock carved in Bekasi city

Nama        : Tri Astuti
Kelas        : 3EB17
NPM         : 29210341

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